"The Dance" 16x16 Koi Water Lily Pond Oil Painting $550 Original Prints start at $22 Commissions: Custom Original Painting Orders Accepted BUY : Visit Original Paintings Shop BUY : Canvas, Wood and Metal Prints, Pillows, Totes and More! Inspired by a trip to the Arboretum in Wilmington, North Carolina, I painted the Koi fish that came right up to you. They were swirling and swishing around the lovely water lilies in the pond . The brightly colored Koi sparkled like gems as they danced around the water lily pads. I continue to be inspired by the glorious Water Lily paintings by Monet. The pond scenes are so peaceful and serene, and this lovely Koi oil painting would surely bring a little zen to any home. "To him who sits on the throne, and the Lamb, be praise and honor and glory forever and ever" Revelations: 5:13